Physical attributes that aid character development: Braces, dark brown hair, average height, does not have 'clear' skin, pale. This person was chosen because hefits the stereotype that I am aiming to reflect in my video. He also has the ability to play the guitar, which is a crucial element of my video, as it is something that the audience specified that they like to see in a narrative music video. In addition to this, he is an 'arts' student, meaning that being in the video will enable him to further develop his acting techniques. This is also beneficial in terms of the communication of meaning and emotion; this should be heightened because of his prior acting experience, adding an element of professionalism to my work. The issue with using a minor in my work is that I need to make sure that I have parental consent to post pictures, and videos of him for it to be deemed ethical. The right 'image' for my protagonist is essential in making it visually obvious to the audience what kind of person he is, and the type of lifestyle that he may live because of the lack of dialogue which would clarify this. My audience research showed that an audience is likely to get bored of watching the video if it is longer than the actual song; and can detract from how much they like it.
original prop list
revised prop list including original costs
I have put together a props list consisting of all that is essential to have during filming. Each time that I film part of my video, I will refer back to this list to ensure I have everything I need; thus making my filming easier, more efficient, and overall more organised. By creating this list I have worked out the amount of extra money I would need to produce them, which I can then plan for and organise my filming dates based on when I get the money for the props required, and the time to go and get them. Fortunately, most of the necessary props I already own, or have at home meaning that I have far less to shop for.
Costume & Props:
The original costumes:
I originally used images gathered from google to help me plan costumes because of the vast amount of different images of different clothing which aided me in developing the most ideal costume with reference to the narrative. I then applied the basic ideas, as gathered from google images, to what I can realistically utilise in the production of my video. The final cosumes are presented below.
The 'bed' costume:
Adidas joggers: recognisably 'chavy' brand, hole in the leg reinforces this. Dark colours reinforce genre characteristics.
Socks: Add an element of colour and add individualism to his personality.
Shirt-less: Adds realism; many people sleep shirt-less.
The 'street' costume:
Hat: The style of the hat connotes youth and rebellion. I chose orange because it makes his character stand out more, and separates him from the generally dark colours that are used within the general mise-en-scene, aided by the low key lighting.
Jeans: Dark colours reinforce genre characteristics.
Hoodie: Dark colours reinforce genre characteristics, the concept of a hoodie connotes youth
Shoes: Dark colours reinforce genre characteristics.
The 'home' costume:
Jeans: Dark colours reinforce genre characteristics.
Socks: Add an element of colour and individualism to his personality.
T-shirt: Dark colours reinforce genre characteristics. Plain black helps keep distraction away from his face in shots ranging from mid-shot to close up.
Hair & Make up:
Filming diary:
talking to camera
updated regularly an on location.
In the production of my music video and ancillary texts I have not needed to send an email, this is because everyone I have needed to contact for the production I have had phone numbers for, and as this method of communication allows quick questions to be asked with a quick response; it seemed most fitting to disregard the use of e-mail. However, e-mail has certain advantages that I had not accounted for such as having a record of what was discussed.
As with e-mail, in the production of my music video and ancillary texts I have not needed to send a letter because everyone I have needed to contact for the production I have had phone numbers for. Because letters take much more time and require further planning in contrast to other forms of communication, they are not as efficient, therefore remained unused.
Texts messages
1. Asking for the earphones - needed to edit the first lot of filming. As he had them on him, that meant that I could not edit that day, which slowed my progress.
2. Thursday's skateboard filming (continued below)- This went well. In the phone call I instructed him on what CLOTHES,and SHOES he should wear.
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Summary of phone calls to show organisational skills
Weather forecasts:
Doing prior planing around weather means that I can select dates to film based on the visual aesthetic it provides. As the video aims to reflect a melancholic atmosphere; the weather must also reflect this in order to provide realism, and to heighten the mood that I am trying to create.
Behind the scenes:
evidence of preparation of production e.g. setting up tracking, tripods and
directing cast.
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