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Wednesday, 9 December 2015

Exploring the relationship between social class and music taste.

I failed to understand the relationship between social class and music taste prior to Tim, and Becky's teaching. I then wanted to explore this further to aid my understanding of the work I am producing. In addition to this; I now understand how and why a music video, and music in general will appeal to certain demographics of society, so that i can specifically target them in my production. Below shows some of the websites I visited in my research.

This page focuses on music taste with reference to  a study whereby around 1,600 telephone interviews took place with adults in Vancouver and Toronto, who were asked about their likes and dislikes of 21 musical genres. 
The study, “Class Position and Musical Tastes: A Sing-Off between the Cultural Omnivorism and Bourdieusian Homology Frameworks” is published in the Canadian Review of Sociology

The page concludes that:
•Poorer, less-educated people tended to like country, disco, easy listening, golden oldies, heavy metal and rap. Meanwhile, their wealthier and better-educated counterparts preferred genres such as classical, blues, jazz, opera, choral, pop, reggae, rock, world and musical theatre.•Wealth and education do not influence a person’s breadth of musical taste. However, class and other factors – such as age, gender, immigrant status and ethnicity – shape our musical tastes in interesting and complex ways.•What people don’t want to listen to also plays a key role in creating class boundaries. Veentsra states that “What upper class people like is disliked by the lower class, and vice versa,”. For example, the least-educated people in the study were over eight times more likely to dislike classical music compared to the best-educated respondents. Meanwhile, lowbrow genres such as country, easy listening and golden oldies were disliked by higher-class listeners.
•"Breadth of taste is not linked to class. But class filters into specific likes and dislikes," said Gerry Veenstra, study author and professor at UBC's Department of Sociology.

•The study involved nearly 1,600 telephone interviews with adults in Vancouver and Toronto, who were asked about their likes and dislikes of 21 musical genres. Veenstra himself is partial to easy listening, musical theatre and pop.
•Poorer, less-educated people tended to like country, disco, easy listening, golden oldies, heavy metal and rap. Meanwhile, their wealthier and better-educated counterparts preferred genres such as classical, blues, jazz, opera, choral, pop, reggae, rock, world and musical theatre.


This page also focuses on music taste with reference to the same study using telephone interviews concerning the likes and dislikes of 21 musical genres in the adult population. 
•"Breadth of taste is not linked to class. But class filters into specific likes and dislikes," said Gerry Veenstra, study author and professor at UBC's Department of Sociology.
•The study involved nearly 1,600 telephone interviews with adults in Vancouver and Toronto, who were asked about their likes and dislikes of 21 musical genres. Veenstra himself is partial to easy listening, musical theatre and pop.
•Poorer, less-educated people tended to like country, disco, easy listening, golden oldies, heavy metal and rap. Meanwhile, their wealthier and better-educated counterparts preferred genres such as classical, blues, jazz, opera, choral, pop, reggae, rock, world and musical theatre.


Summary of webpage:

  • "The odds of postgraduates claiming to like classical music in my sample was more than three times as high as the odds of people with less than a high school diploma claiming the same." 


Class Position and Musical Tastes: A Sing-Off between the Cultural Omnivorism and Bourdieusian Homology Frameworks

"The longstanding debate between the homology and omnivorism approaches to the class bases of cultural tastes and practices rages on in cultural sociology. The homology thesis claims that class positions throughout the class hierarchy are accompanied by specified cultural tastes and specialized modes of appreciating them while the cultural omnivorism thesis contends that elites are (increasingly) characterized by a breadth of cultural tastes of any and all kinds."

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