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Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Test Shots

I did test shots in order to gain an understanding on the different types of shot that are included in a music video. These include the framing of the shot and any camera movement that there is within one shot. Examples of the different frames are displayed in the following video. These different shots range from an extreme close up to a wide shot.  Although an extreme close up is not used in the original video, doing these test shots and learning when and why they might be use helped me gain a better understanding in the film field which I can then apply to any future work in A2.

In this video are examples of the different camera movements that are used within one shot. These include tracking, panning, tilt. In this video there are also examples of both high angle and low angle shots, both present in Ed Sheeran's original A-Team music video. After filming, during editing, it became apparent that I had not filmed any examples of character placement within a frame. This can be divided and explained by a rule of thirds. This involves the frame being 'cut' in to three different sections both diagonally and vertically across the screen - totalling at 9 in one given frame. Below the video is an image to show how these thirds can be divided. 

Diagram to show the rule of thirds.

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